South Yorkshire Climate Alliance


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Bentley Urban Farm

Bentley Urban Farm uses reclaimed materials to repair and maintain a former horticultural training centre in the former mining community of Bentley, just north of Doncaster. The use of reclaimed materials cuts down overheads and shows that there is no such thing as ‘waste’, just wasted opportunities. The farm teaches people how to grow food […]

Greener Greenhill

Organised a Saturday morning bird song walk in local woods to encourage a greater appreciation of nature. Some people go bird-watching, but they can be difficult to see high up in trees and another option is to focus on listening rather than looking. This opens up the activity to more people, especially partially-sighted people. Moreover, […]

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is a charity dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring wildlife and wild places in Yorkshire. Our vision is for a Yorkshire that is abundant in wildlife, with more people having a genuine and meaningful connection with nature. We were established as a charity in 1946, and are part of The Wildlife Trusts […]

Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust

Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust is a registered charity and works with the local community towards a better future for wildlife, people and the green spaces we all love. We are also part of a national network of 46 Wildlife Trusts, working together for a better deal for nature and people locally and in the […]