South Yorkshire Climate Alliance

SYCA Annual General Meeting 2024

The South Yorkshire Climate Alliance will be holding its AGM on Wednesday 18th September between 7pm and 8:30pm.

Book Your Place Now

New Government – New Opportunities

The change of Government brings with it new opportunities for lobbying and campaigning for more progressive climate and nature policies.  Three of the new cabinet members are South Yorkshire MPs (with Ed Miliband at Energy Security and Net Zero, Louise Haigh at Transport and John Healey at Defence), and there is much talk of Metro Mayors such as Oliver Coppard having ‘trailblazer’ devolution deals with increased powers and flexible funding to support the retrofitting of properties and improving energy efficiency.

Our AGM in September will be reviewing what we’ve been doing as an Alliance over the past year, but will also provide an opportunity for all Alliance members and supporters to discuss how we should respond together to this change of Government and all that could flow from it at Regional and Local Authority levels.

Please come along on 18 September and share your views.

Book your place here:



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Sep 18 2024


Coffee and tea available from 6:30pm
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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