Sustainable Barnsley event series: Tiny Forest monitoring morning
In the run up to the UN’s COP26 climate change conference, Barnsley Council is running a series of events and activities to get everyone talking about sustainability and how we can take action to protect our borough for future generations.
A Tiny Forest is a dense fast-growing native woodland that helps mitigate the effects of climate change, support urban wildlife and reconnect people with nature.
If you interested in finding out more and taking part in some monitoring then please join us at Barnsley’s only Tiny Forest at the Brickyard Ponds in Goldthorpe. The aim of the morning is to monitor the growth of the trees to assess the carbon they are taking in, investigate the quality of the soil particularly with regards to flood mitigation and to find out what biodiversity the area has.
***Booking essential***
To learn more about what we are doing to create a Sustainable Barnsley, visit our website.