South Yorkshire Climate Alliance

Mayoral Hustings: Solving South Yorkshire’s Bus Crisis with Nancy Fielder

Sheffield Star Editor, Nancy Fielder, joins Better Buses campaigners as they ask the candidates for mayor how they’ll fix the bus crisis.

About this event

For decades our bus network has been a wild west controlled by private companies. South Yorkshire’s new Mayor will have the power to improve our buses by bringing them into public control.

With all the candidates for South Yorkshire Mayor invited to attend, this event will be an opportunity for our speakers (local bus users and drivers) to have their concerns heard by the incoming Mayor.

At the event, we’ll hear:

1. a brief introduction to explain why we need better buses and how we win them.

2. our six speakers share their experiences of poor bus services and ask the candidates to back public control.

3. each of the candidates respond to our demands.

Let’s win a commitment from every candidate to make the Better Buses Pledge.

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The event is finished.


Apr 14 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

More Info

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