XR-UK Rebel Ringers – Weekly Webinar
The weekly Rebel Ringer webinar is back!… during the webinar we will cover:
=> Introduction to Rebel Ringing
=> Why Rebel Ringing/ Phone Banks are important to XR
=> Walk-thru initial sign-up
=> Walk-thru of the software
=> Rebel Ringers in your XR Local Group
=> Discussion of the live “script(s)”
=> Role play of some initial calls
=> Q&A and lovely chat
Register for the online Zoom event here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_i4bJ2sFMTFuereBrimMcaw
This webinar is free but any contribution to the rebellion would be highly appreciated!
Set up a monthly donation! https://chuffed.org/xr/uk
Contribute to the Rebellion Crowdfunder! https://chuffed.org/project/extinction-rebellion-uk-2020