Sheffield Sustainability Network – Pathways to Net Zero
About this Event
Sheffield City Council and the Green City Partnership Board recently launched a report, commissioned from ARUP, which outlines the actions needed for Sheffield to achieve zero carbon by 2030. This is a route map for the city which gives over 80 recommendations for the Council. However, for this to work, as well as concerted and clear action from SCC, we all need to get on board.
Sheffield Sustainability Network is offering this training event to give a summary of the Pathways to Zero report and to give some examples of things which businesses, and other organisations, can do to help to contribute to the transition, save themselves money and maximise the opportunities that a shifting local economy will bring, as Sheffield works to meet its carbon targets. You will also have the opportunity to share ideas with other network members and have your say about what support you need.
Andy Sheppard, Yorkshire Sustainable Buildings lead at ARUP, will talk about the importance of the report for SSN members and give useful ideas for your organisation.
Tickets are free from www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pathways-to-net-zero-tickets-148958339403
This event is part of Can Do South Yorkshire, supported by South Yorkshire Climate Alliance and the National Lottery Community Fund.