South Yorkshire Climate Alliance

Our 2024 AGM was held at the Workstation in Sheffield and was attended by a good representation of partner groups and individuals. 


As Chair, Geoff Cox welcomed everyone to the meeting, introduced the evening’s agenda and reported on personnel changes over the year.  This had seen Mohan Rabu and Ferial Khan leave the Board, Matt Killeya and Jenny Patient join, and Nicky Birkinshaw become our General Manager after Sarah John’s departure.  Geoff commented that SYCA was in a much stronger position financially than that reported at the 2023 AGM, and its various income streams enabled us to continue to provide core central services for allies and partners like the websites and newsletters.


The most significant developments for the alliance had been greatly enhanced reach into Doncaster, Barnsley and Rotherham from our initial Sheffield focus. General Manager Nicky Birkinshaw had been particularly instrumental in reaching out and helping the network to develop. Success in grant applications was developing community-based work in both Carbon Literacy and Energy use, and included the later stages of the 2020 National Lottery CAF bid for ‘Can Do Communities’ work, with a new website launched. Opportunities in the year ahead which are being looked at are a bid to the new round of the  National Lottery Climate Action Fund and new ways of working with a new government.


Matt Killeya, as Treasurer, presented an overview of the SYCA accounts, with key income and expenditure items explained.  Due to generous donations and successful applications for grants we are in a sound financial position through to December 2025.  Board member Lindy Stone then spoke about the grants from the Warm This Winter Coalition (£20k over one year) and the National Lottery Communities Fund (£18k over two years). The Warm This Winter work has elements of community engagement linked to cost of living issues and work with MPs draws together elements of constituent feedback with key arguments regarding the importance of urgent help for those in fuel poverty, good insulation, faster progress with renewable electricity generation and no new fossil fuels extraction.  The National Lottery money will fund accredited and unaccredited carbon literacy courses.


In the final presentation, Board member Helen Sims spoke about the way in which a bid was being put together for the National Lottery Climate Action Fund that would focus on working with young people’s organisations to support the young people to develop their understanding of and action on climate change as it affects their communities


The meeting then broke into groups to discuss a) the CAF bid b) lobbying approaches in a changed political landscape.

AGM discussion outcomes 


MPs/national – lobbying issues 

Reverse draconian anti-protest laws applied to climate protesters (x2) 

The UK Government does not have a legal or credible Climate Plan to meet the Climate Act targets (x2) 

Tell The Truth: public education and acknowledging/addressing the psychological impacts 

Need for difficult conversations about high consumption/high carbon footprints 

Degrowth – start the conversation national/regional/local authority/community 

Reduce single-use plastics, promote re-useable plastics, promote the Global Plastics Treaty 

Promote participatory democracy with national citizens’ assemblies on climate issues 

Educate MPs on agro-forestry 

Address rumours that Labour will cut the nature-friendly farming budget by £100m 

Need to build resilience/adapt to climate change whilst tackling other inequalities 

Tax flying and make trains less expensive to the extent that UK – Europe rail travel is cheaper 

Simplify rail fares nationally 

Shift freight from road to rail 

Electrify the full length of the London – Sheffield rail track 

Continue pressing for an easier way to get public control of buses  

Press for free public transport 

No new nuclear 

Nuclear energy is not the answer.  We need to use less (eg encourage public transport) 

Ongoing investment in Green Social Prescribing 

Provide free, tailored advice/consultancy for businesses on waste reduction and energy usage 

Tiered grants/subsidies for retrofit to make it affordable for all (not just a low-income cliff edge) 

Consider language and co-benefits.  Others may not be driven by climate concerns 

Planning reform needs to emphasise re-use of existing buildings rather than their replacement 

Tiered energy pricing to discourage high usage homes, and discounts for heat pump (etc) homes 

Develop one side of A4 summarising current Govt policy 


Regional – lobbying issues  

Continue pressing for public control of buses  

Adopt one-price rail fares and bus fares within South Yorkshire 

Reduce single-use plastics, promote re-useable plastics, promote the Global Plastics Treaty 

Local procurement/community wealth building 

Participatory democracy in SY – not just a one-off, and lobbying to implement recommendations 

Degrowth – start the conversation national/regional/local authority/community 

No to the Doncaster Sheffield Airport (x2), including educating the public 


LA – lobbying issues  

Get LACs to have climate groups 

Every street a power station 

Reduce single-use plastics, promote re-useable plastics, promote the Global Plastics Treaty 

Degrowth – start the conversation national/regional/local authority/community 

Why exclude cars from the charging regime in central Sheffield? 

Push for local, green procurement (of retrofit, food, etc.) 

New housing should be high(ish) density, low carbon, nature friendly, link to car sharing 

Importance of making things relevant to people’s lives, esp. in disadvantaged households 


LA – community activities  

Work with the Local Authority on local energy projects 

Link local energy generation projects with energy reduction projects 

Run a reusable cup hire scheme/plastic free markets/deposit schemes/etc. in Sheffield 

Promote car sharing pools 

More education on the connection between air pollution and asthma to make climate change relevant 


Conversations within communities 

Degrowth – start the conversation national/regional/local authority/community 

Take communities with us and make ‘climate’ relevant to them/their lives 

Community cultural events.  Communities doing it for themselves 

Food: Communities doing it for themselves 

Climate Majority Project 

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